master of ceremonies

美 [ˌmæstər əv ˈserəmoʊniz]英 [ˌmɑːstər əv ˈserəməniz]
  • n.司仪;仪式主持人

复数: masters of ceremonies

master of ceremoniesmaster of ceremonies


abbr. MC司仪;仪式主持人
a person who introduces guests or entertainers at a formal occasion

master of ceremonies


  • 1
    N-COUNT 主持人;司仪;典礼官
    At events such as formal dinners, award ceremonies, and variety shows, the master of ceremonies is the person who introduces the speakers or performers, and who announces what is going to happen next.


a person who acts as host at formal occasions (makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers)
Synonym: emcee host


  1. Paul Mazursky was Master of Ceremonies , and he was pretty hysterical .


  2. The master of ceremonies can never be refused .


  3. His father was the master of ceremonies of a variety show on TV .


  4. Act as a master of ceremonies .


  5. A local television anchor , his hair perfectly in place , serves as master of ceremonies .


  6. M : Can you also learn other skills , such as parliamentary procedures or being master of ceremonies ?


  7. W : This assignment helps members practice being an MC for a meeting , that is a master of ceremonies .


  8. MASTER OF CEREMONIES : Ladies and Gentlemen : Her Royal Highness will now answer your questions .


  9. Welcome everybody to our 8-minute speed-dating event , announced the master of ceremonies eventually .


  10. I turn to Greg Rusedski , a former British player , who is master of ceremonies for the event .


  11. The master of ceremonies , Sgt.Nimit Supphaprasirt of the Royal Thai Army band , deemed the three-hour concert a success .


  12. A robot on Sunday acted as master of ceremonies at a South Korean wedding in what its creators claimed as a world fi .


  13. I then made the mistake of criticizing the performance of the master of ceremonies , to which she responded that I should be more tolerant .


  14. Some historians indicated that the master of ceremonies may have been more popular in real life in his hometown because he helped develop farmland and build dikes .


  15. The sponsor wants the master of ceremonies to invite members of the audience to see who can swallow a cup of yoghurt quickest .


  16. On the other hand also because Zhou rite was so grand tedious that the aristocrats were common " disgruntled study " and " cannot be master of ceremonies " .


  17. I was particularly pleased with the professional and streamlined organisation of today 's ceremony and please pass on my thanks to the Master of Ceremonies who did a fantastic job .


  18. After the medical award was announced , some couples in the audience , prompted by the master of ceremonies , responded by embracing and kissing each other .


  19. Mr. Watts played master of ceremonies , while Greg Washington , a part-time football coach in Madison , Wis . , encouraged men to share photos of their children .


  20. Lee Seung-gi , a solo pop artist who served as master of ceremonies at the festival , went further than most of his peers and is serving in a special forces unit .


  21. But the movies differed significantly from these other forms of entertainment , which depended on either live performance or ( in the case of the slide-and-lantern shows ) the active involvement of a master of ceremonies who assembled the final program .


  22. In order for him and Kamei to organize a proper reception for the imperial ambassadors , they needed lessons in court etiquette and protocol from one of the shogun 's high officials - a man named Kira Yoshinaka who was a k ō ke , meaning a master of ceremonies .
